Preparing for 2009

"Budcakes" at the Burges!
As we head into 2009, there are so many expectations. First we look to new opportunities. Things that perhaps have been delayed for finacial or seasonal reasons. Second we look for clearer understanding of what we believe God wants from us. Each of us has a reponsibility to search the mind and heart of God. Listening for that still small voice, confirming what is already in our heart. Sometimes that confirmation comes through personal prayer, sometimes, from others who God brings into our lives to encourage us in a new direction or project. For me this year has started with all of these things. We believe that this year will be one of the most exciting and challenging years of our lives.
As the world is wondering what disaster will come next, we as christians should be seeing what opportunities God is providing. We must look at each event in our lives as an opportunity to demonstrate and share the love of God, having confidence in His accomplishing His will, regardless of the circumstances that surround us. 1Timothy says that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind. Therefore as our actions are an indication of our faith, we need to trust in God's Holy Spirit to give us power to move boldly in our actions. Be sure that what you do is motivated out of a pure and sincere love for others, not for personal gain. Use all your talents to accomplish the task ahead of you and don't allow personal distractions to change your commitment. I think of Peter climbing out of the boat as Jesus beckoned him. All was well until his eyes went from Jesus to the circumstances around him. Are you looking at Jesus and his calling in your life or are you focused on the world's problems. (Are your eyes spiritual or carnal.)

What or who rules your life? These are questions we have to answer for ourselves. Not to be led by others but lead others by our lives. May your life be full of opportunities, called problems in the world, to demonstrate God's love........
Choose ye this day whom you will serve!

1 comment:

Sharon Simon said...

Love your post! Great reminders. The verse you listed is a powerful one. Interesting enough, about 3 years ago, the Holy Spirit used this verse and particularly the verse just before it to create a boldness in me in regard to the purposes I should be fulfilling.
I had never much noticed II Timothy 4:5-6, we always pay attention to verse 7. But, in this particular instance, the Lord wanted "remind [me] to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity [in regard to the gifts He has given us and the purpose He has called us to], but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." **Bracketed content is my own.
Thanks for sharing!!