Help needed in Sabana Perdida

We are planning another trip to Sabana Perdida. This translates as 'lost delta' and that is exactly what it is. The government has continually promised help, but has not done anything here. There is no running water, very little electricity, and no sanitary sewers. The results are that the people live here expecting nothing and constantly face health issues. When flooding occurs, waste from the toilets float into the streets and people walk through the contaminated water. We will continue to help as we are able. First with food and clothes, thank you Old North Vacation Bible school! We have also taken mosquito nets, mattresses and school supplies for this very needy neighborhood on the northeast side of Santo Domingo.

We have projects planned for new bathrooms and rebuilding some of the damaged or destroyed homes. We just took measurements on a small house made of zinc. A woman and her three children live there and it's a wonder it is still standing after the winds and rain.

We need help, both financial and physical to continue helping here!

"He that hath pity on the poor lends to the Lord..." (Proverbs 19:17)

Pray, and ask God what He would have you to do. Abound in love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is great to see you guys really jumping into the blog...I love the updates