Bon Swa!

MVI Team I  in Petit Goave, Haiti. 
Bud is 4th from left in back row, Ed is 2nd from right in green.
This great team is part medical and part construction. Awesome!

Bud's email to me from Haiti said...
Lots of work, got the pump in and now they have water for the first time

in that area that comes from a spicket. Showers, toilets, sinks, they are incredibly excited.

Started on the wall for security, and will hopefully have much done when the next team begins to work. The bus left here about an hour ago. They were really a great bunch of guys.
I say guys because the women worked at the Wesleyan clinic. The guys were all well versed in the jobs needing done and it was great.

This was home for Bud and the team.  Tents are also home for many, many Haitians...and some, as so many fotos have recorded, have much less than this.   The rains came while the team was there and even the new tents leak.

Kids are abundant in Petit Goave, especially in the area where Ed Lockett has worked for so many years.  The construction team got to play with the children when not laying pipelines, block or whatever the task of the day included.  Bud is staying in Haiti to work with the teams arriving.  Ed left with the first group for some R&R in Florida.

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